
Antonio Reza - Law Student Representative (NorCal)

In 2012 Antonio Reza was convicted of a violent felony. He was convicted of one count second-degree armed robbery and received a strike. Upon release Antonio was determined NOT to become a statistic and enrolled at Ohlone College. While there he earned most of the awards offered by that campus, graduated with 3 Associate Degrees, and maintained a 4.0 GPA. He transferred to the University of San Francisco where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, minoring in Legal Studies and Sociology. Upon graduation he earned EVERY award offered by his department including valedictorian. Currently, Antonio is attending Santa Clara University School of Law. He is the first student president of the National Justice Impacted Bar Association, an executive board member and the Northern California Student Representative of the California System Involved Bar Association, the External VP of the La Raza Law Student Association at SCU Law, the VP of External Affairs for the Student Bar Association at SCU Law, and a TEDx Talk speaker.