1st Annual Convening


1st Annual Convening

On March 7, 2020, CSIBA held its first annual convening at the UCLA School of Law. Sponsored by the California Wellness Foundation, the National Center for Youth Law, and UCLA School of Law, the event brought together law school admissions professionals, current law students who are formerly incarcerated or system involved, and State Bar of California officials. Roughly 150 people attended. The day featured informative panels and extensive question and answer periods with all panelists. Members also networked with attendees, offering inspiration and invaluable insights into the process of becoming an attorney when one has a criminal history. In all, our 1st Annual Convening was a huge success! You can find the program for the 1st Annual Convening here and a host of pictures from the event here. We look forward to seeing you at our 2nd Annual Convening in 2021!