Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help! If you don’t see your question on here, fill out our contact page and we’ll reach out to you.


1. Can a person with any type of criminal record go to law school?

The short answer here is “yes,” a criminal conviction does not automatically mean that you cannot be admitted to law school. In some instances, it will present an obstacle, but many, many of our members have attended law school with a variety of prior criminal offenses.


2. Does CSIBA offer financial assistance for people with a record who want to take the LSAT?

Currently we do not offer financial assistance with the LSAT or Admissions fees, but we are in the process of securing our 501c3 status and as a charity we will be looking into it


3. Will law schools ask about my criminal record?

In all likelihood – “yes” – nearly all law schools in the nation ask about prior criminal offenses. Take a look at Dr. Binnall’s recent article – found here – for all of the moral character questions asked by all law schools nationally. This will give you an accurate idea of what to expect for these questions.