
Michael Saavedra - Intern

Michael Saavedra is a Justice Catalyst Fellow with the Youth Justice Coalition. He is working to remove the barriers that block formerly incarcerated individuals from becoming lawyers. Michael was recently released from prison on February 22, 2017 after being inside for over 19 years – with 15 years spent in solitary confinement. During that time, he led and participated in all three California prisoner hunger strikes as part of a successful effort to end the use of long-term solitary confinement in the state. While incarcerated Michael taught himself the law and was able to successfully sue the California Department of Corrections multiple times – as well as teaching and assisting others to do the same. Since his release, Michael has played a prominent role working with organizations such as the L.A. Youth Justice Coalition, Dignity and Power Now, and Justice LA to end mass incarceration and advocate for people of color in his community. He will be attending UCLA in the Fall in the department of American Indian Studies to pursue his undergraduate degree. He plans to go onto law school following his undergraduate studies.