
Dr. Sharon Dolovich

Sharon Dolovich, professor in the UCLA School of Law, is an expert on prison conditions and criminal punishment. Her work has examined the privatization of prisons, segregation of prisoners for their own protection, prison rape, legal ethics and the protections against cruel and unusual punishment afforded by the Eighth Amendement, among other issues. 

Dolovich is also the faculty director of the UCLA Prison Law and Policy Program, which examinines the "back end" of the penal system and explores the way the law structures all aspects of the contemporary experience of criminal punishment in the United States. 

Dolovich has served as deputy general counsel for the Los Angeles Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence, which was charged with investigating use of force in the L.A. County Jail and making recommendations for institutional reform. She has also conducted a study of the L.A. County Jail’s practice of segregating vulnerable prisoners for their own protection.